Monday 16 April 2012

another week closer!

This week the shells are playing a supportive role as I walk.

Peace bridge
 Training this week has mainly been based in my home city of Derry/Londonderry the Legenderry city on the banks of the Foyle. Soon to be UK City of Culture 2013. Derry is my adopted home having lived there for 47 years. It is a city steeped in history with a stunning location on the river Foyle. The city walls built early in 17th century are amongst the finest in Europe.  St Columba founded a monastic settlement in the 6th century but there is archaelogical evidence of settlement predating St Columba. The most recent addition to the walking routes in an around the city is the new Peace bridge linking the cityside to the waterside.

Still searching and following!

If you are visiting Ireland make sure to include the city of Derry and its surrounding areas on your itinerary, you will not be disappointed.


Now as it gets closer to our big walk I am having worries about being able to walk 15/18 miles on consecutive days so I have walked at least 5 miles each day this week and a bit more on some days and included hills on my routes. I have concluded at the end of this week that some bits of me appear older than other bits most notably the right knee and the left hip!
I have also concluded that walking is one of life's pleasures in that it allows time for thinking while you become immersed in the beauty of the world around you. Walking also reminds me of the words of wisdom of some of my friends.
 I am sure Grainne will not mind me sharing one of her many wise sayings:

Happiness is an inside job!

and one from my friend Jacqueline RIP

Never cross your bridge till your bridge comes in to view

Perhaps I am worrying too much about my fitness level?

Atlantic sunset!

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving this blog, especially the images.
    Just two thoughts to share;
    Jacqui, much missed and still an inspiration in so many areas of my life.
    And as for you, dont worry so much, I never observed you to be defeated by any challenge you encountered over the many years I have known you.
